[nycphp-talk] Length of variable names

David Krings ramons at
Tue Jul 3 20:09:58 EDT 2007

tedd wrote:
  > Hey, let's watch those "old programmer" remarks, because some of us are
> still around. But, you are right about the i, j, k, l, m, n integer 
> thing as a legacy from FORTRAN. Oh, those were the good old days when 
> programming was more like adventures in key punching. Where you would 
> drop off a large stack of IBM cards one day and then pick up a few reams 
> of paper the next day with all your key punching errors.

Not any different today. I write some PHP code and need until the next 
day to figure out all the runtime errors. ;)
I talked today with a developer and the talk came across functions and 
modular code. He thought it is something "new", but I learned about that 
20 years ago programming LOGO on the C64. LOGO is a nice language to 
pick up the basics, but at least the C64 version was more a NOGO. 
Although, the turtle was cute, looked like a triangle...

BUT...back to the original question, does the length of a variable name 
have any impact on performance or such?


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