[nycphp-talk] Removing one element from an array

Graham Hagger g.hagger at
Mon Jul 9 20:49:01 EDT 2007

Hi David,

Ran into this myself a short time ago.   There's probably a better 
answer, but I ended using array_diff.  Basically I pass in the original 
array, and a new single element array containing the element to remove, 
and pocket the difference.

To (kinda) rewrite the manual/online help for this purpose:

|$array1 = array("a" => "green", "red", "blue", "red");
$result = array_diff($array1, array("b" => "green"));

should return $result as containing red, blue and red, but no green.

David Krings wrote:
> Hi!
> I have an array with numerical keys. I need to remove one element of 
> the array and then rekey the array to have consecutive keys again. I 
> got the rekeying down, but how do I pop off an array element in the 
> middle of an array? Is that done using unset($array[123]) ? I'm having 
> a deer-staring-in-the-headlights-moment.
> David
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