[nycphp-talk] advice on scaling up

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Tue Jul 10 14:18:33 EDT 2007

I've been using Webload from quite a since it went open
source in the last couple of months. I'd highly recommend it for
testing out a new system you'd set up before you put it online in
production. You definitely learn a lot about how well your code scales
when you load test it with a system that simulates actual activity.


On 7/10/07, Chris Shiflett <shiflett at> wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> > I'm a developer who has concentrated more on smaller-scale projects,
> > but as it turns out one of my projects is beginning to stress the
> > limits of a single server, and so I'm about to begin venturing into
> > the unknown.
> >
> > The project is currently in the "tens of thousands" of users range,
> > but it looks like we need to start drafting a plan to scale it up
> > to "hundreds of thousands" to a million or so users.
> I recommend my colleague Theo Schlossnagle's book, Scalable Internet
> Architectures. It addresses these exact types of questions in a "teach a
> man to fish" sort of way.
> > This is a site that is running on a custom built PHP framework
> > (which seems to be performing rather well), and MySQL.
> I'm not a scalability expert, but one thing I've learned is that many
> things that perform well now can still cause problems when the scale
> increases, so keep your mind open to all possibilities.
> > If I had to classify the site, I'd say it follows a similar usage
> > pattern as something like, or facebook, only much smaller.
> Do you have the feature that allows people to see how many degrees away
> they are from another user?
> Anyway, read that book. :-)
> Chris
> --
> Chris Shiflett
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Josh McCormack
Owner, InteractiveQA
Web testing & development

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