[nycphp-talk] Should PHP5 be used for this?

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Tue Jul 17 12:06:44 EDT 2007

My apologies, the web browser decided to send prematurely on that one.

Hello all,

I've been on this list for a few years now reading, and attribute much of my
knowledge of PHP to users on this list (in one way or another).

I am currently rebuilding my homepage from scratch, which means I have to
redo all the server side code.  Now, traditionally I've built all my web
sites using php4, but I've looked a lot into php5 and its new OOP support.
As a little background, I'm currently a computer science student in college,
and have studied oop to a great deal.

Here's my problem : I don't see how using php5 and oop would really benefit
me in building websites.  I understand objects, code reusability and all
that.  So I'm going to put the areas of my site here, and see how you guys
would build objects for them.

I have these sections:
Code (samples of code that I've written, for resume-type purposes)
About Me

At first glance, I thought to object-ify the portfolio section, where each
"project" would be an object.  But other than that, I don't see anywhere on
the site to use objects, and I could easily do that without objects.

I'd like to expand my resume by being able to say that I have done OOP in
php5, as I see on the jobs list that that is what employers are looking for
(at least quite a few are).

In addition, I was wondering what your suggestions are for php5 and oop, I
don't need an oop introduction or anything like that, I'd just like some
examples of how using objects would make the site better and how to
structure them.

Thanks in advance,

Brian O'Connor
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