[nycphp-talk] Primary keys

Дмитрий Ананьев d.ananyev at
Thu Jul 19 08:36:14 EDT 2007

2007/7/19, PaulCheung <paulcheung at>:
> I want to set up primary keys made up of several fields. Referring to the
> COBOL type example below is it possible to set up group data structures as
> illustrated by ACCOUNT and NAME?
> 01                  EXAMPLE-RECORD.                 SYNC.
> 05      ACCOUNT.
> 10        BRANCH                  PIC 9(6).
> 10        ACCOUNT-NO        PIC 9(8).
> 10        PIN                             PIC 9(4).
> 05    BALANCE                            PIC S9(6)v99        COMP-3
> 05      NAME.
> 10         GIVEN                       PIC X(25).
> 10         SURNAME              PIC X(30).
> 05    FILLER                                  PIC X(40).
> This way I could use ACCOUNT as a primary key or if I so wished I could
> concatenate NAME and ACCOUNT and use that as primary key. Can concatenated
> fields be used as a primary key?

Hi, Paul

A PRIMARY KEY can be a multiple-column index. However, you cannot create a
> multiple-column index using the PRIMARY KEY key attribute in a column
> specification. Doing so only marks that single column as primary. You must
> use a separate PRIMARY KEY(*index_col_name*, ...) clause.

WBR, Dmitry Ananyev
d.ananyev at
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