[nycphp-talk] Two objects of the same type in same script

David Krings ramons at
Wed Jul 25 14:45:27 EDT 2007

Allen Shaw wrote:
> David Krings wrote:
>> ...I will need three editor
>> components on the page and now wonder on how to add a second editor 
>> object. ...
>> Currently, I got this:
>>      $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('sbtext');
>> ...
>> When I now want to initiate a new editor, do I change it like this:
>>      $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('sbnotes') ;
>> or like this
>>      $oFCKeditorNotes = new FCKeditor('sbnotes');
>> So, unrelated to the editor, how do I instantiate a second instance of 
>> an object?
> Your second choice is the one you want.  The code "new 
> FCKeditor('whatever')" returns a distinct FCKeditor object, which you 
> should store in a distinct variable.  If you just use the same variable 
> as for the first object, $oFCKeditor, you'll overwrite the value of that 
> variable and lose the object.
> OO concepts can be daunting at times, but in this case it's a simple 
> matter of storing someting in a variable.  If you wrote:
>     $fruit = 'apple';  // I need some fruit
>     $fruit = 'pear';   // I need another kind of fruit
> then you'd expect the 'apple' value to be overwritten and gone.  Same 
> with the objects.
> Hope this helps.
> - Allen

It definitely does! Thank you very much! :)

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