[nycphp-talk] How to hide the status bar

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Fri Jun 1 11:28:43 EDT 2007

On Jun 1, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Mark Armendariz wrote:
>> 	 How to hide the status bar in a browser using Javascript ?. If  
>> you have any idea please reply ASAP.
> Can't be done as it's a security issue
> scripts.html
> (search for the word 'status' in those docs)
> IE7 and Firefox have settings (in their settings menus) to allow JS  
> to do
> so, but unless you're dealing with an intranet of sorts, that may  
> not be
> much help to you since they're off by default.
> Mark

You used to be able to pop open a new window without a status bar  
though... I'm pretty sure that still works... so you do a  
with the option 'status=no'.  Your users may find a popup annoying  
though (or may block it).


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