[nycphp-talk] seeking backup/support programmer

Rolan nyphp at
Mon Jun 4 22:27:20 EDT 2007

I'm looking for someone who can do light programming work or backup 
support for me in the event of an emergency or for short vacations. Must 
be knowledgeable in php, html, css, javascript, mysql, linux/bsd, have 
plenty of practical experience and be quick to pick up on existing 
projects. I'm not looking to employ someone full or part time, but to 
work out some sort of reciprocal agreement with another qualified 
independent contractor that may be in the same position as me (managing 
5-6 dozen clients, most of them in a situation where they are 
self-sufficient but occasionally need small changes or updates). If you 
happen to be flooded with work, I may be able to take on some of the 
simpler stuff and vice versa. It's always good to have one or more 
backups to care for your clients in case you fall into a snake pit, are 
hit by a truck, or encounter some other unforeseen circumstances. I 
don't have a specific compensation structure in mind, but we can work it 
out. If you are located in the NY/NJ/PA area and fit the above 
description feel free to drop me an email.
I know this probably belongs on the "jobs" list, but all the competent 
people are subscribed to this group and the last thing I need is more 
headhunter spam.


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