[nycphp-talk] Sorry

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sat Jun 16 18:02:30 EDT 2007

David Krings |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Aaron Fischer wrote:
>> +1.
>> All of the lists that I am on (except one) have the reply set to go 
>> to the list.  The one list that sends replies to the person who posts 
>> is annoying and (to me) does not seem to be a logical process.
>> -Aaron
> +1 as well. The worst solution is the MUG list I am on. The reply goes 
> to a "no-reply" address. You think you posted and five hours later you 
> get a bouncer back.
> David

Well now that sends a pretty clear message about how much they value 
discussion, right?

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