[nycphp-talk] Going rates:

Keith Casey mailinglists at
Tue Jun 19 06:32:09 EDT 2007

On 6/18/07, Greg Rundlett <greg.rundlett at> wrote:
> Annual Salary/2,000 = hourly rate
> There are 52 weeks /yr
> minus 2 weeks /yr vacation
> = 50 weeks @ 40 hrs / week
> = 2,000 hours / yr available for work
> This is a rough estimation of the hourly *Cost*
> E.g. for worker "John" 100K annual rate (~$50/hr)

Just to throw out one additional tidbit... this is *only* considering
the actual dollar-cost of the person's salary but that's not the whole

Once you factor in Social Security (employer's half), health
insurance, workers comp, 401k contributions, office space, etc, you
can add anywhere from 20-33% to this number to represent the *cost* of
the employee to the employer.

The last time I was with the Feds and we were calculating FTE's, we
used +31.5% on top of base salary... so the above $50/hour should be
$66/hour to be a real FTE.


D. Keith Casey Jr.
CEO, CaseySoftware, LLC

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