[nycphp-talk] Javascript & PHP

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Thu Jun 21 10:09:49 EDT 2007

Quoting PaulCheung <paulcheung at>:

> I have put together an HTML form that uses Javascript which works   
> well. However when I fill it in and fire it off to my PHP script   
> (which for the purpose of testing simply echos what was entered in   
> to the form) it cannot find the entered data; But when I strip out   
> the Javascript and the fields that uses the javascript my PHP script  
>  happly echos back what was entered into the form. does anubody know  
>  what I am doing wrong??

Not without seeing what you're doing. If you don't want to post your  
original code, create an example that shows the same symptoms and post  
that code.


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