[nycphp-talk] [ot] Managed Hosting for PHP App.

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Wed Mar 7 23:44:06 EST 2007

Who is the Managed Dedicated Hosting provider of choice today?  I have a 
quote from RackShack and would like to seek some competitive bids.  
Since Cyber X Designs typically provides the hosting services, I am not 
sure who to go to for quotes.

So what does this have to do with PHP?  We developed an airline 
reservation system for regional carrier in Alaska.  The system is 
written with PHP/MySQL.  It includes booking, ticketing, servicing, 
frequent flyers, corporate accounts, ect.  It is pretty damn cool and 
the customer is out growing their current hosting solution and I am 
tasked with finding another hosting provider.

I know this topic is covered every couple of months on the list.  I am 
looking for timely recommendations from experience, I know you guys must 
be provisioning these services for your clients and employers.

Thanks in advance,
Hans Kaspersetz

Cyber X Designs
Denville, NJ
Looking for a web design company in New Jersey?

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