[nycphp-talk] [WAY OT] Windoze to Windows Vista Ultimate

Dan Cech dcech at
Fri Mar 23 10:09:25 EDT 2007

Alvaro P. wrote:
> Here are some positive links about Vista.
> Surprise, Microsoft Listed as Most Secure OS

I may be missing it, but I don't see anything there that makes me feel
warm and fuzzy about Vista.

Sure there were fewer overall vulnerabilities found over the reported
period, but look at the number of high priority vulnerabilities found,
12 for windows vs 2 for redhat and 1 for osx...

> 90-day report card: Windows Vista fared better than competitors

The source for this 'report'? "Jeff Jones, security strategy director in
Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing group"

> Alvaro

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