[nycphp-talk] Ajax 101: what to return from a POST

David Mintz vtbludgeon at
Thu May 3 15:17:18 EDT 2007

Not sure I follow completely. Are you saying send back 412 and otherwise do
it the way I'm doing it, i.e., iterate through a returned Javascript object
stuffing the errors into the DIVs? Is it "wrong" to send back the whole HTML
form with the error messages?

On 5/3/07, Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
> Send back a 412 (precondition failed) error and evaluate the <script>
> on return w/ all the errors is the only way I can think of unless you
> went w/ your own scheme of parsing + displaying the response ...


David Mintz

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In the most delightful way.
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