[nycphp-talk] Flexible Forms & How to store them...

Mark Armendariz lists at
Wed May 16 08:32:09 EDT 2007

 > [mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Patrick May
> My question is -- when the forms change, who makes the 
> change?  You, or a user via a tool?

Though I'd offered a solution for EAV, I haven't gone that route in quite
some time (usually only for dynamic surveying tools where the forms / fields
are updated by the client daily or weekly).  Otherwise I generally agree
with Ken.  Unless absolutely necessary, EAV is quite messy and can get
painfully inefficient (in coding and query times) if not watched closely.

I've been offering clients a tool up to update the CRUD tables / fields.  It
helps that the queries throughout my framework  are dynamic and
automatically include any new / updated fields in all cached and live


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