[nycphp-talk] Learning SQL - Resources & Recommendations

David Krings ramons at
Fri Nov 2 07:01:25 EDT 2007

Nelly Yusupova wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> A friend of mine is trying to learn SQL and asked me for some resources 
> to point her in the right direction as far as understanding SQL, 
> table-driven designs, logic, etc.
> Does anyone have any recommendations?
> Thank you in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Nelly Yusupova

I did my first steps using the w3schools guide 
( and then using the MySQL manual to 
expand my little bit of knowledge. I bought "The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL" 
a few months ago, which I think is a really good book for getting to stage 2, 
but it isn't really a beginners book.

Sure, I cannot do more than simple selects, inserts, updates, and deletes, but 
I am impressed on how far this takes one. I did hit my limits several times 
when it was about selecting and sorting across several tables, but I used 
temporary tables as a workaround. Not great, but works, and in one case I 
found it to be faster than the one go SQL statement, maybe due to missing 
indices, unoptimized tables, overly normalized tables, or UTS errors.


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