[nycphp-talk] Lurker creeping out of the shadows

Brian D. brian at
Tue Nov 6 08:38:06 EST 2007

Welcome to the list, Aminah, hope to see you at the NYPHP meetings soon.

On Nov 5, 2007 9:09 PM,  <enigma at> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been lurking since March and have decided that it's time to at least
> introduce myself.
> I've been coding HTML since 1997 (self-taught) and worked for a webdev
> company during the latter part of dotcom boom. I got interested in graphic
> design, so after everything went bust I switched over (never really stopped
> coding though).
> These days about 75% of my work involves web design, so about a year ago I
> decided it was high time I learned PHP/MySQL of get left behind. I had a
> terrible time wrapping my head around it at first, but finally found a
> couple of good books that got me over the hump. I'm now at what I suppose
> could best be termed an early intermediate level.
> I've successfully completed some back-end work for clients, but it was all
> more or less seat-of-the-pants trial by fire stuff. I survived and learned a
> lot, so I can't really complain. I'm a freelancer, BTW.
> At present I'm delving deeper into best practices where PHP security is
> concerned, and trying to learn more about the inner workings of Apache. Oh,
> and I literally sleep with my PHP books--I read about a few function before
> dozing off, hoping that even more will sink in via osmosis.
> About a year and a half ago I moved from New York to Jersey. I hope one of
> these days I can make it to one of your meetings.
> I guess that about covers it. I suppose I'll duck back into the shadows for
> now and keep reading until the (inevitable) day comes when I get totally
> flummoxed and reappear begging for help.
> Best Regards,
> Aminah ;-)
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