[nycphp-talk] Extracting an int from a query string.

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Nov 14 14:43:47 EST 2007

Rob Marscher wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2007, at 3:14 PM, John Campbell wrote:
>> On Nov 13, 2007 2:56 PM, dann <dann at> wrote:
>>> One small caveat I failed to mention earlier: [...snip...]
>>> ctype_digit [...snip...] returns false
>>> if you pass it an actual integer.
>> Easily fixed with:
>> ctype_digit("$int");
>> With the added bonus, that another dev will come behind you, remove
>> the quotes, and create a bug. :)
> Although, you originally said you were using this for request variables
> which are always strings.
> By the way, I've been seeing rumors on the web that the ternary operator
> will support this syntax in PHP6:
> $assigned = isset($somevar) ?: 'default';
> Even less typing!

Still too much typing ;) , try this:

$t = R('test',0,'int');

function R($k,$def = null,$type = null)
	if (!isset($_REQUEST[$k])) {
		return $def;
	if (isset($type)) {
		return checktype($type,$_REQUEST[$k],$def);
	return $_REQUEST[$k];

function checktype($type,$v,$def = null)
	switch ($type) {
		case 'int':
		case 'integer':
			if ((string)intval($v) !== strval($v)) {
				return $def;
			return intval($v);
		case 'string':
			if (!is_string($v)) {
				return $def;
	return $v;

Mix up some additional flavors for $_GET, $_POST, etc and have some real


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