[nycphp-talk] Off: Using VPN, but how to still connect to your LAN printer on Windows XP.

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Thu Nov 22 08:29:11 EST 2007

David A. Roth wrote:
> When using VPN on a Windows XP to work remotely to a corporate 
> intranet, it won't acknowledge the printer on the LAN which has an IP 
> address such as Once it is connected through VPN to the 
> corporate intranet, it can only see the printers in the remote office. 
> Is there a way to configure Windows XP when its in this VPN remote 
> state so that it can print to a printer on the local area network?

My guess would be that your corporate WAN is using the same numbering scheme.  Or worse,

Try switching your local lan to 192.168.129.x instead.

If that doesn't work, try either 172.16.x.x

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