[OT] Re: [nycphp-talk] neeed help

David Krings ramons at
Tue Oct 2 06:58:29 EDT 2007

inforequest wrote:
> David Krings |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:
>> inforequest wrote:
>>> Not to be contrary :-) but there is *always* a way.
>> OK, then craft a web page that has something in it that disables using 
>> Print Screen. Show me that and I'll be a believer. Until then I stand 
>> to what I wrote earlier. OK, and not posting it on a page is cheating. ;)
>> David
> David you have to think outside the box. It's not about technology... 
> it's about causing the user to not *want* to print that screen, or save 
> and share/email/etc. That's all I'll say ;-)
> -=john

Yes, and that is all I wrote in my initial reply.


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