[nycphp-talk] Creating Avatar Images

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Oct 12 12:24:37 EDT 2007

Well I was not suggesting to fully use the gravatar site itself  
(although you can scale to whatever size you wish for your avatar  
using &size=n), I think they recognize anything > 80px to not be an  
"avatar" ... your question dealt w/ the security of such images + the  
technique w/ the MD5 hash of email address link to an image path was  
more the idea.

There actually is an excellent library if you want to roll your  
own ...  It includes this hashing  
mechanism already.

- Jon

On Oct 11, 2007, at 10:18 PM, Ben Sgro ((ProjectSkyLine)) wrote:

> Hello Jon,
> A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an 80×80  
> pixel avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing  
> beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites.  
> Avatars help identify your posts on web forums, so why not on weblogs?
> Not exactly what Im looking for. In fact, this has external  
> dependencies on the site.
> Thanks anyways.

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