[nycphp-talk] Php file owner, group and permissions

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Tue Oct 16 14:53:23 EDT 2007

>I'd say it really depends
You¹re making me think here!
>  (you must have seen that one coming haha). If your web application needs to
> write to files then those files need to be writable to someone, and it's
> better imho to be writable by a specific user than "the world". In that case
> having the files owned by the user that php will run as is usually safe.
> Alternatively you can use group writable permissions. If you don't have to
> write to the file system the owner of the files is not so important so long as
> the files that you want the world to read are world readable. 
> My .02
> --Mike H
> I guess I have to see how apache/php is running ‹ I¹m guess as ³nobody²

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