[nycphp-talk] [OT] Book search: The best DIV/CSS book?

Richard Harding rharding at
Mon Oct 22 12:04:32 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 12:01 -0400, Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) wrote:
> Hello All, 
> I still used table based layouts. I try to remove all my style
> attributes and place them in .css files.
> However, I still haven't made the jump from table to div based
> layouts.
> I've looked at a few books, but haven't found one that really drove
> the point home.
> I have no formal HTML experiance, I just write it to get stuff done.
> So, can anyone
> recommend a great book for div/css? 
> Good websites are fine too, but the lack of depth in most online
> articles/whitepapers
> about the topic leaves me wanting more.
> Thanks, 
> - Ben

I have only checked out a couple of CSS books, but they were both really
helpful. Bulletproof Web Design, and CSS Mastery. I'd recommend both of
them. Bulletproof does some simple things, but the ideas are good to
have. CSS Mastery covers more complicated layouts and such. 



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