[nycphp-talk] Application performance optimization

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Mon Oct 22 17:21:25 EDT 2007

Sounds like your server is sick.  If downloading a single sub-1k  
image is taking seconds upon seconds, something is seriously wrong.   
Do you have full control of the server, or is there someone at a  
hosting company that can look at this?  I wouldn't start worrying  
about apache settings (which are pretty reasonable out of the box)  
until you're sure that there's not some runaway process on the box  
chewing up all sorts of resources, or (probably more likely) some  
local network issue near the server.


On Oct 22, 2007, at 11:10 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> I am testing my production site, and something seems to be very  
> wrong. I just loaded my homepage and it took 53.46 seconds. Clearly  
> unacceptable for a production web site. And there should be zero  
> load on the site, since no-one knows about it. One 775 byte image  
> took 23 seconds. A 51byte image took 6 seconds. The main script  
> took 28 seconds. Pulling in a 60K javascript file took 10 seconds.
> When accessing the page a second time, where the images and  
> Javascript are pulled from the browser cache, the load time is  
> typically a more respectable 250msec — about what I would expect.
> I know the script is fast — for the homepage there is barely any  
> load at all. The site seems to be choking on the static content.  
> There are a lot of static images to download... Sure, I expect the  
> static content to take a bit of time to pull in, but 56 seconds?!
> Are there setting in Apache (or elsewhere) that would stall the  
> download of multiple image files? Number of simultaneous  
> connections, etc. Any idea for how to debug this? I can debug php,  
> for a slow static image? I’m clueless...
> Thanks,
> Cliff
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