[nycphp-talk] Some comments on the XML Talk

Kenneth Downs ken at
Mon Oct 29 10:16:43 EDT 2007

Rusty et al,

I had a great time at the XML database talk, it was very informative.  I 
have a few comments, questions, and suggestions.

First, I think after seeing the talk that I would have liked in the 
beginning to get a more complete description of the problem domain that 
XML databases are trying to solve.  Specific examples here would be very 
productive.  We know that publishing looms large here, what are some 
specific issues?  This would have made the code example more meaningful 
to me.

Second, there were ideas that came out during Q & A that might be 
expanded on to good purpose.  Things that we might not know or take for 
granted, like the philosophy regarding types and structures.  The 
audience seemed to be focusing on the need for structure, while the tool 
did not seem to want to do that.  A couple of slides outlined the 
philosophy of types and structures might have been useful here.

Finally, I would have liked to hear more of Rusty's ideas about the 
relationship between the file system, the web server, and the database.  
Rusty, do you want to expand on that here?

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software, Inc.
631-689-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527
cell: 631-379-0010

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