[nycphp-talk] Zend Neon - (Zend Framework Project)

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Wed Oct 31 15:53:40 EDT 2007

> Change:
> set_include_path('.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . './library' .  
> PATH_SEPARATOR . './application/models/' . PATH_SEPARATOR .  
> get_include_path());
> To:
> set_include_path('..' . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../library' .  
> PATH_SEPARATOR . '../application/models/' . PATH_SEPARATOR .  
> get_include_path());

I would find it extremely hard to believe they would release an  
initial IDE w/ a broken template like that.  Either way I guess it's  
assumed that project structure is the recommend way of building your  
skeleton app ... @ least according to

It seems in line.  Everything else seems ok, only annoying thing is  
my .eclipse_keyring keeps popping up every time I start.  It should be  
possible to use one Eclipse for Java work and one for PHP / Web, does  
having J2EE / Neon / Aptana all conflict in someway?  I also keep  
getting the update dialog box telling me updates are available w/o  
anything to download ...

- Jon

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