[nycphp-talk] Finding event listeners?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Sep 4 20:28:35 EDT 2007

Actually a pretty good question ... I was under assumption that you  
could call Event.observers in Prototype and get back an array of  
element and handlers but after glimpsing through the API was not the  
case.  In fact since it's not a DOM-level call it seems that it would  
be pretty API independent.  It seems that they even removed that and  
implemented a stacked cache a while back ...

Interesting that you can't get back an array of listeners for an  

- Jon

On Sep 4, 2007, at 8:00 PM, tedd wrote:

> At 1:37 PM -0400 9/4/07, Kenneth Downs wrote:
>> I cannot seem to figure out which javascript function I would use  
>> to determine the event listeners that have been added to an  
>> element. Can anybody steer me on this? Thanks...
>> --
>> Kenneth Downs
> Kenneth:
> You probably should post this question to a javascript list, but a  
> listener is triggered by an event.
> I can think of 7 (may be more) and they all start with "on" (i.e.,  
> onBlur, onClick, onSubmit, onLoad, onChange, onMouseOut,  
> onMouseOver) not counting onreadystatechange via ajax/ahah.
> So, what triggers the event for the element?
> Cheers,
> tedd
> -- 
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