[nycphp-talk] Finding event listeners?

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Wed Sep 5 07:47:47 EDT 2007

Kenneth Downs wrote:
> I cannot seem to figure out which javascript function I would use to 
> determine the event listeners that have been added to an element. Can 
> anybody steer me on this? Thanks...

Apparently, none.

They also suggest if you use something like the yahoo UI library, or 
write your own, you can get listeners attached through the library, but 
not anything attached in another mechanism.  (IE if you are including 
some cool script you got from the web to do something, and it adds event 
listeners, they won't be tracked).

Note: I know enough Javascript to troubleshoot and fix scripts written 
by others, as well as review other people's code, but I don't actually 
know a lot of Javascript intimately.

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