[nycphp-talk] Class name conflict with Pear Pager

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Thu Sep 13 21:04:56 EDT 2007

On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 06:27:51PM -0400, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> Shana Tovah:
> I have a class called Pager. Bad name. This conflicts with Pear Pager. It is
> used in a zilion places so changing the name would be a pain. Not a big
> deal, but a pain. To date, I have just been deleting or renaming the Pear
> Pager class,

That's crazy.  Rename your class and be done with it.  It's such an easy 
fix.  One way:

* Either use grep or your favorite text editor to open all files that 
refer to either Pager class.  For example, using cygwin on windows:

grep -rlE 'new Pager|new YourFakePearPagerName' . | xargs -i ep {} &

(replacing ep at the end with the name of your editor)

* Search and replace in all files YourFakePearPagerName with 

* Search and replace in all files Pager with NewNameForYourPagerClass

* Finally search and replace XXXTempPgrName with Pager.

* Save all files.

It took me longer to write this email than it would have taken to solve 
the problem once and for all.


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