[nycphp-talk] ORM vs SQL: the ultimate showdown

Paul Houle paul at
Sun Sep 16 14:38:38 EDT 2007

Mark Armendariz wrote:
> This might seem completely ridiculous and tear the idea to shreds if 
> you must, but I've been working on a library with it's own query 
> language that creates both the SQL and the PHP Objects to reference 
> everything returned.  Though I've been working on it for quite some 
> time, it's still too early (read: messy) to offer it to the masses 
> (I'm successfully using it in 4 of my current small to medium sized 
> projects).
> Over the past 10 years, every time I try to keep all my queries in one 
> place, whether it be with SQL or with some objects representing my 
> Database Tables, i end up with a bunch of functions named 
> getCustomers, getCustomer($id), getCustomersInNy, 
> getCustomersInTristate, so instead I made a language that allows 
> something like:
    I'm really fascinated by ideas like this.

    Have you seen HQL,  the query language that comes with the 
(Java-based) Hibernate ORM system?

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