[nycphp-talk] addslashes vs mysql_escape_string()

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sat Sep 22 19:50:30 EDT 2007

Hi Paul,

Paul Reinheimer wrote on Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:17 PM:
> Hey List,
> I was reading,
> and i was a bit unsure about some of the characters listed 
> as being escaped, and did some research. I think that we're listing a
> few characters as being escaped on that page that 
> actually aren't escaped by the funciton.  I've posted what I found
> here
> If I'm wrong, please let me know, but I couldn't find any reference
> to some of those characters in the C source, or in my 
> own tests.

In the section of the article I think you're addressing, we talked about
what characters MySQL considers special in strings; that is, having special
meaning.  This includes the backspace and tab, per their documentation:

They may or may not be escaped, but they do have special meaning to the
database which is why a database aware escape function should always be
used, vs a generic function like addslashes.

End of the day, it's not about what characters are actually escaped - it's
that the function you're using to escape is aware of the string's
destination.  Maybe this is where the confusion is.

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP  /

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