[nycphp-talk] SPL - Do you use?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Thu Sep 27 08:14:05 EDT 2007

Do many here use the SPL library?

I could never really understand this "library", on one side part of  
the Java programming that I really felt to be a burden of added /  
bloated code was the idea of the "Iterator" (you always had to grab  
one) and that is pretty much what the SPL is (for PHP5), and part of  
the joy to PHP was the ease + use of a foreach loop and then Java  
took a step back and implemented the same foreach idea in current  
JVMs but I barely see it used in many projects.  I would guess that  
Java people coming to PHP would understand it's uses / design pattern  
better but the part of the Zend article I don't understand is ...

"This library of interfaces creates a standard API for certain kinds  
of built-in functionality, allowing your classes to interact with the  
PHP engine in a much more seamless manner."

Im just wondering if this means the use of saying "foreach($objects  
as $object)" or does refactoring w/ PHP5 Iterators also get you  
something else as well?

- Jon

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