[nycphp-talk] SPL - Do you use?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sat Sep 29 19:34:51 EDT 2007

Excellent feedback from everyone on SPL, thanks for taking time to  
post back.

- Jon

On Sep 29, 2007, at 6:34 PM, Michael B Allen wrote:

> On 9/27/07, Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
>> Do many here use the SPL library?
>> I could never really understand this "library", on one side part  
>> of the Java
>> programming that I really felt to be a burden of added / bloated  
>> code was
>> the idea of the "Iterator" (you always had to grab one) and that  
>> is pretty
>> much what the SPL is (for PHP5), and part of the joy to PHP was  
>> the ease +
>> use of a foreach loop and then Java took a step back and  
>> implemented the
>> same foreach idea in current JVMs but I barely see it used in many  
>> projects.
>>  I would guess that Java people coming to PHP would understand  
>> it's uses /
>> design pattern better
> I did Java for many years. Now I do mostly C. But at the moment I've
> been digging around inside Zend Framework. So I think I can add a few
> opinions about this topic.

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