[nycphp-talk] Website Data Encryption tools

David Krings ramons at
Sun Apr 6 11:31:18 EDT 2008

Joe Leo wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Thanks for your reply and comments.... I am not so much looking to have 
> data encrypted from the user. But, encryption on the "server side".... 
> For example, I want to be able to
> encrypt a web site folder and DB and upload to my hosting provider and 
> know the data is
> safe but will continue to serve users as normal.
> I just read about TrueCrypt ( which is Open 
> Source. This could be what I am looking for. Anyone use TrueCrypt?

Well, you could wrap everything into PHP and use one of these PHP obfuscators. 
I haven't heard about encrypting the entire database, but you can for sure put 
some encryption on some fields (I wouldn't bother with an autoinc field).
Still, I wonder why you want to do that? Do you distrust your hosting company 
that much? In that case I'd look for a different provider.


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