[nycphp-talk] OT: webmaster test

André Pitanga andre at
Mon Apr 14 11:13:23 EDT 2008

Hey Guilherme,

> Too focused on CSS.

I was hoping no one would notice that ;)
> HTML is simple, and as you may see, you asked 3 questions, all of them
> CSS related. Try something more difficult too... one example:
> <input> is a block element or an inline element?
Yes. But what if instead of asking about a particular element,  I asked 
"What's the difference between an inline or block element? How can you 
change it via css?"?

> A single programming question and very simple one. Anyone that has a
> minimal understand of logic is able to answer that. Put another one,
> more complex... try 2 questions...

Ha! One would think, no? All too easy...

well, check out what my manager said in response:

> Thanks for taking care of this. Is the answer to 7 15? Hope so. If so,
> is that too easy for a programmer?
> Can you give us an answer sheet?
> You should try something to be more written and programming focused
> too. Try for example to ask for a basic task... for example, given a
> number, return only the prime numbers.

What's a prime number? ;)

> Another good way is to do the opposite... put a piece of code and ask
> for the applicant what does it do, what does it return given "these"
> parameters...

That's what I tried to do here. But with a generic syntax.

> Question 9 I'd answer:
> Why use Flash?
> There's no need to use flash anywhere.
> Why not?
> Everything that is possible to be done in Flash is possible to be done
> with the combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

You're hired! ;)

> As you may see, the question is rather vague... a designer could tell
> you Why use: Because you do not need to rely of browser
> inconsistencies. Why not: Flash app size.
That would be a good answer as well...

> Question 10 is ok.

> That's my 2 cents.... =)

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