[nycphp-talk] Greetings

Bruce Martin bmartin at
Tue Apr 22 09:22:40 EDT 2008

Thanks, I'll look into it. Often when I start out with a different  
language I try to stick to writing my own code, so I can get to know  
the language itself. Then after at least one project I find my way to  
using the libs or frameworks. I will look into the Zend Framework  
though, it sounds interesting.

Bruce Martin
The Martin Solution
bruce at

On Apr 22, 2008, at 9:13 AM, Jake McGraw wrote:

> The cookie problem you're having, have you considered using a
> framework to take the guess work out of when it is appropriate to set
> a cookie (ie send a header)? Using a consistent method for processing
> requests and delivering pages will often make the whole issue trivial.
> I would suggest the Zend Framework (
> - jake
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:54 AM, Bruce Martin <bmartin at> wrote:
>> Hi, I just joined the list and thought I would introduce myself.
>> I have been programming since 1995, well before that if you include  
>> the
>> years I spend toying with BASIC. I just recently started using PHP,  
>> I find
>> it well thought out, although there are somethings that take some  
>> time to
>> get use to, I guess the biggest is setting cookies. The challenge  
>> is due to
>> the way I am using include and processing forms on a single page it  
>> takes me
>> a while to find the place in the process to set the cookie. Other  
>> than that
>> I am very pleased.
>> I come from a Mac background devoting many years to learning  
>> everything I
>> can on the Mac, but I have programmed on the PC in VB 5 and 6. and  
>> moved on
>> before .NET. On the Mac side of things I mainly use SuperCard, I  
>> have tried
>> other development environments including REALbasic, which I would  
>> say is a
>> good alternative for X-platform development, but for pure Mac  
>> applications I
>> lean on SuperCard. I also dabble in C and Objective-C from time to  
>> time, to
>> extend the abilities, or make custom functions for SuperCard.
>> For web development I started using PERL, which I still like and  
>> use, but
>> PHP may replace PERL for my web development efforts. I have also  
>> used JHTML
>> and JSP. for a short time. I am also quite pleased with the way  
>> JavaScript
>> has evolved.
>> I work for a web site called Beliefnet, which was recently acquired  
>> by FOX
>> Digital Media.
>> Well, I guess that is enough for now, I look forward to getting in  
>> on the
>> discussions.
>> Bruce Martin
>> The Martin Solution
>> bruce at
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