[nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the PHP+Developer

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Tue Apr 22 11:58:02 EDT 2008

I believe that all of the informal industry-standard acknowledgements
and accolades that you call for in your note have already been
informally applied to all the entities that you mention and that this
informal approved/sanctioned condition has existed for years for PEAR,, et al. This has not successfully gelled into a
reliable, knowable, useable set of standards that makes it possible for
programmers and managers to have a quantifiable standard to work up to
and within. I am still in the camp that PHP programmers like realtors,
financial planners should have an association approved path and tool set
that ultimately will have more knowable and strongly negotiable pay
scale. Peter


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Scott Mattocks
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:47 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the

Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> It seems we (I mean PHP programmers) have all the tools and
> already at our fingertips for more formalizing the study and
> of PHP, we'd just have to agree to ring our wagons around what we've
> on hand.

Instead of trying to force a few applications, repositories and people 
into positions they are not ready for, would it not be better to 
organize efforts to contribute to those which are best suited to take 
those positions in the near future? A defacto standard is much more 
powerful than an appointed standard.

Instead of trying to convince everyone that PEAR is the best place to 
get reusable code, why not contribute to PEAR and remove all doubt? 
Instead of forcing everyone to sign up for a proprietary certification 
that does not have community support, why not create an open 
certification group that has the support of the community and gains 
community respect because of it? Don't just name user groups as 
something a programmer should be a member of, make them so valuable 
(through contributions of experience) that one will be foolish not to 
sign up.

If you can get a large group of people to take those steps, your dream 
of a well respected and formally recognized best practices and 
applications will follow.

Scott Mattocks
Author: Pro PHP-GTK
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