[nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the PHP+Developer

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue Apr 22 14:10:32 EDT 2008

Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> [...]
> Most businesses/new processes brought about through fresh initiative are
> just brought together as best as can be done right now while the iron is
> hot ... 
Many business profess that they want to have people who can think 
'outside of the box'
and yet they cling to a 'command and control' style of organization 
(versus say a 'teamwork'

When the idea goes up for review by some board or committee, a member 
invariably asks
who else is doing something like this. And you have to explain no one 
else is doing this --
this is a *new* idea (its outside the 'box'). If the innovator doesn't 
have the luxury of being
 able to address the review members directly, the idea suffers dilution 
from being translated
by some manager or vice-president. It seems to take a long time because 
you have to add the 
extra step of explaining it to some intermediary.

Initiatives don't die because they are not implemented quickly enough. 
They die because
others in the organization either see that the idea is unsound and veto 
it, or they they
don't understand its value in the first place and don't move on it.


T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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