[nycphp-talk] ColdFusion vs PHP (Ruby, Perl....)

csnyder chsnyder at
Fri Apr 25 16:38:45 EDT 2008

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 3:12 PM, David Mintz <david at> wrote:
> How about the non-free closed-sourcedness, or is it?

That sums it up for me. The first web application I ever built was an
online poll using Cold Fusion circa 1998. The production company I was
working for was too cheap to shell out for the server, and in
researching alternatives I found php.

The price was right of course, but it you could also do so much more
with it because of access to all these free C libraries. The code
reuse benefit of open source was pretty clear.

Chris Snyder

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