[nycphp-talk] using PHP mail function on Windows server - update

Kristina Anderson ka at
Mon Apr 28 13:57:52 EDT 2008

Hi Tim, in addition to the erratic email sending, the debug messages on 
Windows for PHP really are, well, non existent.  We don't have access 
to the process log on the box, either.  I'm not sure what caused the 
sending to be erratic, we have subjects and large message body on each 

Yesterday, on advice of tech support, we moved the modified php.ini 
file with actual URL instead of "localhost" as SMTP parameter, and 
placed it in the cgi-bin folder instead of the root.  We had some 
success sending test mails but when we tested the actual code in the 
app, it was failing again.  I tested the same code, only passing in 
hardcoded strings in place of the querystring values, on my domain 
server, a Linux box, and it was perfectly fine.  

The only thing I could think of was that there might be white space 
around strings passed from the querystring parameters into the email I used trim() around them...still no luck.  

I give up.  We have put in a request to be switched to a Linux box!!

> Tim Gales wrote:
> > Kristina Anderson wrote:
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> Well, more weirdness.  I tested the code this afternoon and it 
> >> actually worked on the Windows box -- twice -- sent the email upon 
> >> initial page load and again when I reloaded the page.  But then 
> >> completely stopped working.  This was before I had created the 
> >> php.ini file, and the only two times it ever worked on the Windows 
> >>   
> > Make sure the SMTP service is running on the Windows box,
> > If its not -- check the System Event log for errors.
> >
> > Maybe the way the mail server is being called (from PHP)
> > is causing it to die.
> >
> What I mean is stuff like this can happen:
> *[2 Sep 2003 10:54am UTC] ap at d-dt dot de*
> Yes, sometimes it also crashed with my code when I'd used
> it via the command-line (php.exe, the cli-Version does not
> always produces the crash), but it worked with php_mod.
> I think it depends whether I have a null-messagebody or
> null-Subject. (There were some situations where it crashes
> and the "null-situation" was at least one of them)
> -- 
> T. Gales & Associates
> 'Helping People Connect with Technology'
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