[nycphp-talk] PHP Bcc Headers

csnyder chsnyder at
Mon Aug 4 15:37:11 EDT 2008

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 3:17 PM, (Margaret) Michele Waldman
<mmwaldman at> wrote:
> I'm using "\r\n" at the end of each line.
> The headers are being completely ignored.
> I'll try switching.  The did cross my mind before, but I wasn't sure what to
> test other than "\r\n".

Completely ignored is probably a bad sign, but you could try using just "\n".

When that doesn't work, try setting just a single "X-sent-by: php"
header to avoid line-ending issues altogether. It may be worth
creating a test script that does nothing but send a simple email so
you can isolate the problem from other potential bugs, post the code
to this list for review, etc.

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