[nycphp-talk] [OT] notebook recommendations - time to retire the Thinkpad t42p... anyone know Lenovo's t61p?

Daniel Krook krook at
Sat Aug 9 09:43:49 EDT 2008

Hi John,

> "inforequest" <1j0lkq002 at> 
> On the (excellent) advice of the PHP community almost 4 
> years ago, I 
> bought a Thinkpad t42p. I still love it but it's time to 
> plan retirement.
> Can anyone recommend the Lenovo t61p as a replacement, or is there 
> something clearly better? No, I'm not going to switch to a
> mac. Thanks.
> -=john

I've ordered five T61s of varying configurations over the past year or so 
for family members using them for various purposes.  They're all pretty 
happy with them.  I'm using a 14.1 widescreen model for work and it's much 
less bulky than the 15.4 screen ones I got for my wife and sister.  I 
normally dock it with larger monitor so the smaller real estate is not as 
much a concern for me.

There is a shop right across from the 590 Madison meeting location that 
sells them (I'm not sure if it is still the only place they are available 
retail in the city), so it may be worth popping in to have a look at them 
in person.   Or, you could just hop in a cab after Hans and have a look at 
the one he's probably left behind on the back seat :)


Daniel Krook
Senior IT Specialist
Content Tools Developer - SCSA, SCJP, SCWCD, ZCE, ICDAssoc.
Global Solutions,

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