[nycphp-talk] Open Source CMS for PHP5

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Wed Aug 13 16:37:03 EDT 2008

On Aug 13, 2008, at 1:26 PM, Mark Armendariz wrote:
> Can anyone recommend an open source CMS (or possibly commercial if
> worthwhile) that works natively on php5 (e_strict)and MySQL 5
> (strict).  I need it to install easily on Win32 and Linux.  And the
> ability to handle multiple domains with a single installation would be
> great as well.

I have a feeling that any CMS you can find that operates in strict  
mode might not be terribly fully featured.

Here's one that was built off of Zend Framework, so I'd guess that the  
odds of it running E_STRICT are pretty good:

TYPO3 is another popular big cms written in php... I would guess it  
has the same issues as Drupal/Joomla in running E_STRICT.  I think for  
any project that existed in php4, it's questionable whether it's worth  
the effort to get it to run in strict mode in php5.

For MySQL5 strict (i.e. STRICT_ALL_TABLES or TRADITIONAL), I have  
rarely met another php developer that knows about it.  So good luck on  
that... but definitely let us know if you find anything.  :)



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