[nycphp-talk] Open Source Project Management Tools

Keith Casey mailinglists at
Thu Dec 18 13:54:25 EST 2008

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 1:32 PM, elizabeth <elizabeth at> wrote:
> web2project is not new.  It is really dotProject with a new skin but it does
> not include the Helpdesk module.

Former dotProject and current web2project contributor here...

First off, Helpdesk hasn't ever been a core module and iirc, it's
deprecated... I don't think it's a purposeful decision, just the fact
that it's rarely updated.

More importantly,, web2project is not just "dotproejct with a new skin":

*  We're steadily working towards XHTML 1.0 compliance.  Since I was
one of the guys to do this on the (since deprecated) dotProject Head
development, I'm taking care of these things as we can.

*  The underlying permissions system has a caching layer built in.
>From our tests - both in dev and in production with 400+ products -
we've seen response times improve by over 50% and a 90% reduction in
the number of queries performed.  I am hosting 5-6 production
customers on it right now.

*  The security fixes are numerous, but the biggest one - -
limits users from performing arbitrary actions.

*  We've reworked portions of the database - for example, making
enumerated types separate fields as opposed to /n delimited strings -
to make the system easier to interact with programatically.  The
Vision for this is to eventually have a RESTful API included in core.
I gave a *brief* overview of it at the DCPHP Conference a while back.

*  A great deal of the cruft in the system has been removed.  By
simply deleting code that was executing *but not doing anything*,
we've improved response times of certain screens by 50%... independent
of the permissions caching noted above.

*  In terms of general code cleanliness, we're in progress in actually
using the CakePHP coding standard to make sure things are all
readable.  I've also been working to remove all the extraneous bits of
PHP from the HTML.  We're no where near complete on either of these
pieces, but making things steadily better.

Next month I'll be giving a demo and overview of web2project... all
are welcome to attend the Northern Virginia Linux Users' Group (03
Jan), the DC PHP Users' Group (14 Jan), or the soon-to-be-announced
php|architect Webinar Series (mine is 23 Jan).


D. Keith Casey Jr.
CEO, CaseySoftware, LLC

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