[nycphp-talk] sign in/out of the website

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Wed Feb 6 11:16:16 EST 2008

chad qian wrote:
> I am sorry.I just started to do php coding a couple of months ago.If 
> anyone can give me some hints,that's enough.
Hi Chad,

Asking even the most vague question is at least a little better than 
giving up.  I think what you should do, though, is not just hunt around 
for a few tips.  Get in and learn the basics, especially on a complex 
topic like authentication.

Please google for /php authentication/ and /php authentication 
tutorial/.  You will find lots and lots of tutorials on the topic.  I 
can't recommend any one of them because this is an area that's been done 
so many different ways, and most of the tutorials and books I've seen 
screw it up in one way or another.

Follow along in one or two of those tutorials.  Those are the hints you 

Folks on this list will be happy to help you with specific questions you 
might need to ask about along the way.  The help may come in the form of 
"google for x" sometimes, but generally that only happens when that's 
really the best answer.

Let us know how it goes as you progress.  New programmers need other 
voices quite often.  As long as you're putting in your own sweat and 
doing your homework, you'll learn a lot.

- Allen

Allen Shaw
slidePresenter (

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