[nycphp-talk] Thank you NYPhP -- Kerbeaz launches!

Ben Sgro ben at
Thu Feb 14 16:23:33 EST 2008

Nice work Cliff,

/me raises glass
To your continued success!

- Ben

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> NYPhP:
> I have been holding off on this, waiting until things are “perfect”, 
> but finally realized that could be an eternity. So...
> Kerbeaz went live on Monday. I thought the hard part was behind me, 
> but now the true adventure begins — building traffic.
> Check out the site. Try creating a task as a performer or sponsor. 
> Would love to receive any and all feedback — don’t be shy; don’t hold 
> back! Based on the few users that have tried it so far, I have a 
> laundry list of things to do, ranging from a new splash page, to more 
> merchandise (of course), to bug fixes, new features, etc. The kids are 
> the easy ones — walking my father through it was pure torture:
> Dad: “I never received a confirmation email after registering”
> Me: “Duh, you registered using Mom’s email”
> Dad: “How come Abby never responded?
> Me: “You misspelled her email address”
> Me: “Why did you make the reward 1 point? That’s one penny. What were 
> you thinking?”
> ...
> ...
> Targeting seniors — what was I thinking?
> Most importantly....
> Thank you NYPhP. If you hadn’t noticed, I ask a question or 
> ‘n then.... There is no way I could have accomplished this without 
> your support. Everyone makes a big deal about open source. Well, the 
> reality is it’s not open source that matters, it’s the community 
> support that is the backbone of open source. The level of sharing and 
> support is truly inspirational. I’d love to repay whoever I can. Next 
> time I’m in NY, the beers are on me. And if any of you plan to visit 
> Boston for Drupalcon, to heckle us over the upset (we all know what 
> that refers to now — right. No need to further rub it in), or for any 
> other reason, please look me up.
> Many thanks,
> Cliff
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