[nycphp-talk] List of langauge/country names and codes

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Fri Jan 4 16:00:53 EST 2008

Google ISO and country codes, there is a standard set of country to 
country code mappings, along with a standard set of language to language 
code mappings.

David Krings wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anyone of you have a list of language/country names in the native 
> language and the associated country codes?
> For example
> USA - American English - en_us
> UK - English - en_uk
> Schweiz - Deutsch - ch_de
> Suisse - Francais - ch_fr
> Deutschland - Deutsch - de
> and so on. Format is not important, country names are also optional as 
> I guess someone in the USA could pick Deutsch (like me). I do want the 
> native name of the language as someone who speeks only German may not 
> know to look under "G" in the list rather than "D" for Deutsch.
> Also, pointers where I could find such a list are welcome as well.
> Thanks in advance,
> David
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