[nycphp-talk] List of langauge/country names and codes

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Sun Jan 6 04:19:27 EST 2008

David Krings wrote:
> but both fail to list the languages in their native names. So for 
> someone who doesn't speak English these lists are useless. In any 
> case, the complete list is available here: 

Extend it.  Add an extra column for native language name, store it in 
UTF8, and use the current english version of the name but give users who 
choose the language an opportunity to fix the language for future users.

So initially, they may choose German (German).
But someone can submit an alternate spelling, which after you approve it 
changes it to
Duetch (German)

Though if you go by the UN standard, than display the alternate 
languages in English and French (English/French)

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