[nycphp-talk] combining forum and list (Joomla / SMF)

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Tue Jan 8 13:04:27 EST 2008

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Today, I'd have to revise that harsh review of PHPBB as a *ton* of
> activity has been going on over there. As well, the licensing
> compatibility - and eagerness of the PHPBB team to help us Joomloids -
> I can see a lot of integration between the two, if not already then
> real soon now.
Eh, my wife doesn't like PHPBB.  Also, purely personal, but the PHPBB 
team, or at least their forum moderator, believes that when you submit a 
post on a PHPBB powered forum run by someone else, that the person 
running the forum is given exclusive copyright to the material you 
post(as in copying your post from that forum and posting it somewhere 
else is illegal and a copyright violation). 

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