[nycphp-talk] Joomla and SE Friendly URLs

Randal Rust randalrust at
Thu Jan 10 08:09:05 EST 2008

These should be pretty easy questions for the Joomla experts. I have a
meeting with a potential client this afternoon who had the current
version of their site built by a turnkey service using Joomla. The
meeting is all about SEO and SEM, and I noticed two things right away
when I looked at their site.

1. The keywords are not at the beginning of the TITLE. How difficult
is it to switch the site name and the title of the page? So instead of
'R2 Joomla Test - Columbus Ohio Web Design' I can have 'Columbus Ohio
Web Design - R2 Joomla Test.'

2. The URLs do not contain keywords. Rather than....

...I need to have....

Can I do that out of the box?

Randal Rust
R.Squared Communications

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